Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Applying for Jobs Part 2

I just discovered something very entertaining and Miss Molly suggested I share it. I have been using the same resume for a few months now and thought it was a decent one. After all, I get calls and emails though things have been a bit slower than usual. Tonight I applied to a job that required a resume upload and then it showed the resume to allow you to make sure it looked the way you want it to look.  Well guess what? Mine didn't.
I wrote my resume using a template but for some reason didn't realize it until I saw this:

«First» «Last»
  «Address» «Address»
T «Phone»

Just like that on the top of my resume. I never put in my information.
Of course, this explains why a potential employer told me that she couldn't find my phone number anywhere on my resume. On a not so funny note, I really wanted a job I applied for today that looked great! And I am sure they won't consider me with my obvious typo. Oh well! 

Oh and you know the whole deal with me thinking yesterday was Wednesday? Well, when the potential employer from yesterday told me she would be able to talk with me over the phone any day but Thursday, I told her Friday would work for me because I thought that was my only option for this week. 

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