Monday, August 9, 2010

Organization Part 1

I have a confession to make. My lack of organization has nothing to do with my having three kids. It really has to do with my brain. I swear the stinking thing does not believe in organization AT ALL. You see, organization is not my strong suit. Anyone who has ever lived with me or opened a closet, cupboard or drawer in my home can attest to this sad fact. I am going to spend a few posts making up excuses for this huge flaw of mine. I am lucky because I have been given suggestions through the years from loved ones: everything must have a home,  clean-up and put away as you go and have the kids help.

Everything must have a home:

I totally get this concept and strive to make it happen BUT since I don't pick up as I go, it is very difficult. Let's just say the house is a disaster (everyday but 2 days each month), I don't usually allow myself enough time to clean up on any given day whether we are having someone over, the cleaning people are coming or we are moving.  As a result,  I just start shoving things any place there is space that people (hopefully) won't see.  Let me give you a real life example of this. Once, in my single days, while moving, one of my dearest friends, K, was helping me move. I was shoving random things that I had not put "in their home" into my pockets. I looked up to see her with a disgusted look on her face. Seriously, disgusted because she is SUPER organized. You know the type. She LOVES lists.

Me (in my sweetest voice): What?
K: Are you freaking kidding me?
Me (in my most wounded voice): What?
K: You are just shoving sh$# in your pockets rather than putting it in a box or something?
Me: Not a good idea?
K did an eye roll, head shake and left the room. I continued shoving.

So the problem is obviously multi-level but the struggle is stopping the cycle. Where does all this random stuff go that is weighing me down both figuratively and literally? Once I shove things in my pockets, a basket, a closet or drawer to get it out of sight, it is just too overwhelming for me to look at let alone organize so I don't.  Then suddenly, every inch of my home is totally unorganized.

And so, I am now trying to get this under control once and for all.



  1. wow. I can relate to this. I think that I have improved, though. Most of mine is the same thing...i'm in a hurry and just start throwing crap around to get it done, but I end up with WAY more work later. That has been the catalyst to change my behavior. So, I have actually started cleaning as I go all day AND thrown out or donated more stuff in the past year than ever in my life. That has helped a ton. I think we probably just have way too much stuff. That certainly adds to the clutter, no?

  2. I feel your pain, friend. I will be your cheerleader to declutter! You can do it.
    Then, come over to my house and show me all that you learned to get it done!

  3. We definitely have way too much stuff. I have been working on getting rid of things over the last few months but still there is SO much.

  4. Um, me too! Recently I cleared a counter to make it look clean and put everything into a box. I haven't opened the box since. It's been abut a month? And yet I can't throw any of it away. ):

  5. Jill, I have heard organizers suggest that you do that and then throw out the box. I doubt I could part with the stuff either...

  6. ohhhh andie!!! i totally know what you mean!! i'm so unorganized and it goes farther than that! i am such a slob sometimes LOL!! it's so bad that sometimes when i have guests over i will shove all my crap into cupboards and cabinets so ppl can't see all my mess!

  7. Ughh yeah that's me too. I'm "clean" but I'm messy, ya know? I have visions of what I want my house to look like/be like (even saw it in person at my friend's house last weekend lol) but I don't know how to get there. Her biggest tip for me was "start with ONE room and finish it" so that's my plan right now!

  8. I know I should throw the box out... but I just can't!!!!!! ACK!
