Thursday, September 9, 2010

Houston, We've had COMMUNICATION!!!

I know it is only day 3 of kindergarten but I am sitting here dying for some sort of feedback from the teacher. I mean no news is good news, right? BUT the control freak in me must know how he is doing... but I promised myself I could wait....okay not really....
So, I sent an email to the principal and Mrs. W about a grant Target is doing for field trips.  I didn't really do it so I could open the lines of communication but thought, I got a thank you back to which I replied to Mrs. W about how much Buddy likes kindergarten so far....DRUM ROLL PLEASE....

I got an email back that said:

Buddy is a GREAT kid!!!!

That's right! I am a happy and proud Mama!!


  1. Thanks, J! He had a major meltdown tonight from which I was unsure he would recover but he is just plain exhausted...

  2. That is awesome! OF COURSE he is a great kid!
