Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Language Development

One of my favorite things to watch develop in my children is language. From the first goos and coos to the first words my heart soars with joy and love for the incredible little people in my life.  One of the joys of parenting twins has been watching my girls make their way through each stage of development in their own time. How differently these little people approach everything amazes me.

Bear accomplished all milestones before Zaz though both are on target developmentally. Now that they have acquired most of their language and sounds, Zaz is more ahead in the sense that Bear still can't say k and g sounds in words. So, I am working with Bear on tongue placement to create the sounds  . If she wants candy***, it comes out tandy and she sounds like Buckwheat when she says Okay.
This is what we have been doing:

Bear: I want to play a dame.
Me: You want to play a g-g-game?
Bear: g-g-g dame
Me: Try again
Bear: g-g-g dame
Me: dreat! You dot the g sound (I don't really say it like that)

Some times what she says is not as obvious. For example, tonight she asked to read the dumb book. I paused and was clearly confused. Before I could give a mini-lecture on not saying the word dumb:
Bear: gdumb
Me: gum?
Bear: Yes, ggggggdum
I racked my brain and realized she meant Alexander and The Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day because (not to ruin it) Alexander gets gum in his hair.
We've been working on the sounds for a while now and she is trying so hard to get it right which gets her lots of kudos!

Tonight, I had a conversation with Zaz:

Zaz: You member the piggy glasses I weared on (va)cation?
Me: Piggy glasses?
Zaz: P-p-p-piggy glasses (see side picture)

Have a great night!
**** Not that I EVER give my kids candy


  1. I love this!!

    When my oldest FIRST started talking she began to say, "too, mama, too dadda." We did not know what she was saying. Then, it hit us and I almost cried my eyes out!! We always said, "love you, too" when leaving or just returning the I love you, which we say freely in our house. It was her first, "I LOVE YOU," and she said it that way for months. My hubby and I often still say it to each other and whenever he does, it takes me back there in an instant. okay, now I'm crying.
    Thanks for sharing, Andie!

  2. Sweet:)You may have already been crying...
